Monday 26 January 2009

Racism and Ideology in Israeli Military

Some of the Israeli army rabbinate's publications challenge international law according to Israeli sources.

Haaretz, a major Israeli newspaper, has received some of the publications from Breaking the Silence, a group of former soldiers who collect evidence of unacceptable behavior in the army . Other material was provided by officers and men who received it during Operation Cast Lead. Following are quotations from this material:

"[There is] a biblical ban on surrendering a single millimeter of it [the Land of Israel] to gentiles, though all sorts of impure distortions and foolishness of autonomy, enclaves and other national weaknesses. We will not abandon it to the hands of another nation, not a finger, not a nail of it." 

This is an excerpt from a publication entitled "Daily Torah studies for the soldier and the commander in Operation Cast Lead," issued by the IDF rabbinate. The text is from "Books of Rabbi Shlomo Aviner," who heads the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in the Muslim quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem.

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